Why do I need to specify API keys? #
Cogniti needs your organisation to provide API keys to access generative AI services such as from OpenAI or Azure.
You need to be an organisation administrator to set your organisation’s AI access API keys. Contact hello@cogniti.ai if you should be your organisation’s administrator.
To set your organisation’s API keys #
To set your organisation’s AI access API keys, click the organisation icon in the left-hand menu.
If you do not see this icon, ensure you are logged in to Cogniti and you have the right permissions.
Find your organisation from the list, and click the edit icon. A new page will load. If a lock icon appears next to your organisation, it means you are not an administrator for that organisation.
Language models #
Navigate to the AI models tab.
API key format for OpenAI models hosted by Azure #
These API keys need to be in a particular format:
<deployment name>:<key>@<endpoint URL>
- The <deployment name> is what you specified in Azure AI Studio, for example ‘gpt-4-cogniti-prod’
- The <key> is available in the Azure OpenAI blade under Keys and Endpoint
- The <endpoint URL> is also available in the Azure OpenAI blade under overview, e.g. ‘https://xxxxx.openai.azure.com/’ including the trailing slash
API key format for OpenAI models hosted by OpenAI #
These API keys are specified in your account at https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys
These keys typically begin with ‘sk-‘.
Speech models #
Navigate to the Speech tab.
API key format for speech models hosted by Azure #
You will need to access your Azure AI Services – Speech Services blade and access the Overview tab, which should provide you with the key(s), location/region, and endpoint. You will need to provide this information to Cogniti in a particular format.
Provide these credentials to Cogniti in this format:
- The <location> is from the Location/Region field, e.g. “australiaeast”
- The <key> is one of the keys from the KEY 1 or KEY 2 field.
- The <endpoint> is the full URL e.g. “https://australiaeast.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/”